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The Enhedu knowledge base encompasses 3+1 dictionaries:

  • Music (>15,000 entries): Terms, Musicians and Compositions;
  • Wordnetplus English (>210.000 concepts): an expansion of the Wordnet® developed at Princeton University, one of the most disruptive innovations in universal lexicography. See its (Landpage).



Curated Links to Wikipedia


Links to Streaming (spotify, youtube...)

Extensive knowledge base for music lovers

About Interface

Its interface has superior functionalities: 

  • Offline use; full-text search.
  • All dictionaries are integrated with each other, that is, from a word in the definition in one of them, you can obtain, if it exists, the definition of this word in the other dictionaries.
  • Translates, copies, and shares entry information.
  • Querying entries from external applications (browsers, text editors, etc.)
  • Multiple Lists of entries (e.g. Favorite, LearningWords, etc.) created/imported/exported and shared by users.

Use the carousel on the side to see some of Enhedu’s features and navigate between the following entries related by the Semantic Network.

  • Generalization – e.g. (acciaccatura -> ornament, grace note…)
  • Specialization – e.g. (ornament -> acciaccatura, appoggiatura…)
  • Similarity – e.g. (hurdy-gurdy <-> organistrum)
  • Also see – e.g. (slide <-> glissando)
This is a brief example of using Enhedu and navigating between some entries in the semantic network. Try it for yourself!

Glossary in six languages: Eng, Ger, Fr, It, Sp and Port

Seamless Integration with Streaming Platforms

Any number of Lists sharable and imported / exported.

Browse the network of meanings by semantic criteria

Seamless Integration with Wikipedia

Enrich your vocabulary and music knowledge

For Teachers and Students

Enhedu is a dictionary that helps build music vocabulary skills and, at the same time, be a powerful instrument of knowledge acquisition.

For All Music Lovers

Music is a powerful form of emotional expression. When people learn more about the structure, history, and nuances of music, they can develop a deeper appreciation that allows them to connect emotionally with works.

A deeper understanding of musical art not only enriches the aesthetic experience, but also promotes significant emotional and social development in people.


Special Lists

During installation, Special Lists are added that can be imported from the Main Menu/List. See some of them.


About 3,000 words everyone should know for basic English.


More than 500 words for more proficient vocabulary.


Main edible vegetables.


List of entries whose concepts lead to interjections in the semantic relationship Narrow - Instance (e.g. disgust-> bah, faugh, pah)


The most complete "dictionary" containing around 1900 Phrasal Verbs for access to their definitions, examples and synonyms, in addition to their semantic relationships with other entries.


Leading scientists in various areas of knowledge.


Expressions used in legal circles (e.g. actus reus)


Entries that are linked to Lists on Wikipedia (e.g. aquarium -> List of aquaria on Wikipedia)

Interjections, Prefixes and Suffixes

It is also unique as a dictionary of interjections, prefixes and suffixes, as it semantically associates them with the concepts to which they apply. See examples:


Given the liturgical entry, one can obtain the interjections: Christ, alleluia, begorra, Bismillah, etc.


Given the entry bad, in the concept of: negative qualities, one can obtain the prefixes caco- (cacophony) and mis- (misdeed).


Given the entry ability, in the concept of: the quality of being able, one can obtain the suffixes -ability (informs the grammatical transformation adj->noun, eg available -> availability), -craft (housecraft) and - ship (musicianship).

Integration with Wikipedia

Its integration with Wikipedia, curated by manual disambiguation, makes Enhedu a taxonomic (hierarchical) index to this encyclopedia. Through semantic relationships, a plan for acquiring knowledge of specific topics, for example, of Harmony, can be established.


Curated Links to Wikipedia


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